Travel to Italy

A round trip on American Airlines for $425 from Oklahoma City (OKC) to Milan, Italy (LIN) and then 3 flights (Approx. 100 euros) to go from Milan to Malta, Malta to Catania, and Catania back to Milan. Went with JR and visited Mount Etna among other places. First time I had been on an active volcano!


We flew to Milan the first night, arriving in the evening. We visited the famous Cathedral. The next day we had to take a bus to BGY Airport to fly BGY-MLA.


We stayed in the Hilton in Malta. This turned out to be an excellent choice and the best Hilton property I have stayed in. The balcony view in our room was pretty incredible and breakfast was amazing as well.


The next afternoon we flew to Catania on the island of Sicily. JR rented a car and we used it to drive up to Mount Etna, an active volcano. It was the first time either of us had ever been on an active volcano. It was also pretty cold.

We flew back to Milan that evening, then flew out of Milan the next day back to the United States. Everything went well until we got to Chicago. Ended up having to catch flights the next day to Charlotte then onto Oklahoma City.