
Malibu Beach

Los Angeles

A trip to the Los Angeles area for sightseeing with friends. We visited Hollywood, Six Flags, Santa Monica Pier and Malibu

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Salt Flats

New Mexico

Trip to New Mexico and West Texas including Carlsbad Caverns National Park, Guadalupe Mountains National Park, El Paso, White Sands and Roswell.

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Me in front of the Berlin Wall


I was invited to speak at the Extreme Weather Congress in Hamburg Germany in 2013. I visited Berlin and Hamburg on my trip.

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Dubai Skyline


Had to go to Dubai for work in August 2012. Spent almost a week waiting on our ID’s to get in and work.

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Overlooking Singapore Sports Hub


Had a full day stopover in the beautiful city state of Singapore on my way back from Jakarta, Indonesia in July 2012

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